Friday, August 27, 2010

Noctis IV

Summary: Noctis IV is an awesome procedurally generated space simulator. The sole purpose of the game is to fly around in a super fancy spaceship and explore the universe. Surfaces of planets can be landed on and examined further.

My opinion: The graphics are pretty dated, but in my opinion the grainy 3D just serves to make everything extra fuzzy and vibrant. Noctis IV is an easy game to get lost in. Happening upon something new and unusual on a strange, uncharted planet, all within a procedural galaxy, is a unique, eerie feeling.

Media: A series of Noctis screenshots collected by MobyGames can be viewed here

YouTuber neuzd has a bunch of great videos of Noctis in action. The one below shows a birdlike creature taking off and disappearing into the distance.

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